EU Specialty Food Ingredients News
2024-06 Happy World Food Safety Day 2024

This year again, EU Specialty Food Ingredients is celebrating World Food Safety Day, organised by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to raise awareness of the importance of food safety and to inspire action to prevent foodborne risks.
The specialty food ingredients industry remains committed to play its part to ensure that the food we consume is safe and healthy and to properly communicate with consumers about the high food safety standards it complies with, so to increase their trust.
Recent research showed that nearly 70% of Europeans are interested in food safety but they consider currently available information on the topic too technical and difficult to understand.[1] This is why the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recently launched its Safe2Eat campaign to present in an easy and accessible way how safety is ensured on the European market, including for Food Additives. This will empower European citizens to make well-informed choices for a safe and healthy diet and be confident about the food they are consuming.
If you would like to understand how food additives’ safety is assessed in Europe, download our infographic ‘Specialty Food Ingredients: Additives in the safety spotlight’ or watch our animated video.
[1] Research conducted by EFSA in collaboration with IPSOS in 2023
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